OZAPATO – Quality works boots and shoes in South Africa

Quality work boots and shoes in South Africa

[banner new_tab=”true” title=”WELT GRIP FUERZA” subtitle=”EH GoodYear Welted Boot” bg_image=”5273″ height=”275px” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_color=”#ffffff” inner_stroke=”0″ link_url=”https://ozapato.com/za/product/welt-grip-fuerza/”]
[banner new_tab=”true” title=”Watt” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_color=”#ffffff” inner_stroke=”0″ bg_image=”5276″ height=”275px” bg_color=”#dd3333″ subtitle=”EH Certified boots” link_url=”https://ozapato.com/za/product/watt/”]
[banner new_tab=”true” title=”Grip” subtitle=”Rock solid work boot” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_color=”#ffffff” inner_stroke=”0″ height=”275px” bg_color=”#000000″ inner_stroke_color=”#0a0a0a” bg_image=”5277″ link_url=”https://ozapato.com/za/?post_type=product&p=5414&preview=true”]
[banner new_tab=”true” title=”Lady” subtitle=”Work boot for Her” bg_image=”5284″ height=”275px” title_color=”#ffffff” subtitle_color=”#ffffff” inner_stroke=”0″ link_url=”https://ozapato.com/za/?post_type=product&p=5465&preview=true”]

Call us 083 788 3220 , chat with us or send us an email southafrica@ozapato.com to receive a free quote. Our quality boots made in Mexico are especially designed for South Africa.

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